Wednesday Evening Ladies Bible Study

We will be studying Jonah: Grace for Sinners and Saints by Iain Duguid (from Serge’s “The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible” series; Serge is an international missions organization founded by Jack Miller, friend and mentor of Tim Keller). Jonah is a familiar story, but we will take a deep dive into uncovering God’s grace and mercy toward those who are stuck in self righteousness as well as those who run away from God in rebellion. Jonah has been referred to as the “prodigal son” of the Old Testament, and we will indeed see many parallels between this narrative and Jesus’ famous parable of the New Testament. Ultimately, we will see the gospel on full display as we probe our own hearts and our own desperate need of God’s mercy and grace.
We will again meet Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm at Brittany Kaye's home beginning on January 15, and we will follow the youth group schedule.
You can purchase the book HERE!